Get Latest Tweet

We are going to display the latest tweet that matches the user's search criteria.

1. Make a UI (User Interface) with a button and a text field for the search term (see below).

2. When the "Search" button is clicked, print "Tweet, Tweet".

3.Download these 2 jars, add them to your project, then add them to your project’s build path.

Apache Commons Logging        commons-logging-1.1.3.jar
Twitter4J                                 twitter4j-core-3.0.5

4. Use this method to get the latest tweet when the user clicks the button. Print the tweet to the console.

Make sure you import from twitter4j

private String getLatestTweet(String searchingFor) {

      Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance();

      AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken(



      Query query = new Query(searchingFor);
      try {
            QueryResult result =;
            return result.getTweets().get(0).getText();
      } catch (Exception e) {
            return "What the heck is that?";

5. Now display the contents of the latest tweet on the User Interface.