Methods #1

1. Call this method so that it prints “I like apples”.

void food(String fruit) {

       System.out.println("I like " + fruit);


2. Call this method to that it prints “Nerds rule”.

void truth(int x) {

       if(x > 5)

              System.out.println("Geeks rule");


              System.out.println("Nerds rule");


3. Use this method to draw a square. Don’t change the inside of the method.

void drawLine() {



4. Fix any problems with the following constructors.

class Hell {

      void Hell(int hotness) {



public class Bacon {

      String style = "streaky";

      Bacon (String style) {
            style = style;


public class Unicorn {

      private Unicorn() {
            this.horns = 1;


class Narwhal {

      public Narwhale(){}
