Intro to Getters and Setters
Part 1
1: Create a class called Taco, then add 2 private String member variables for the meat and sauce.
2: Create methods getMeat() and getSauce() that return the member variables.
3: Create methods setMeat(String meat) and setSauce(String sauce) that set the values of the members variables to the values passed in the method parameters.
Part 2
4. Create a Person class, with 2 member variables - name and superpower.
5. Using the pattern in Part 1, add getter and setter methods for the member variables of the Person class.
6. Now, make a Runner class that creates 3 different people, sets their superpowers, and prints the value returned by the default toString() method.
7. Override the default toString() method by implementing a toString() method on the Person class that returns "<name> has mad <superpower> skills".