Pig + Candy

class Candy {

       private String maker; //e.g. Hershey’s, Willy Wonka
       private boolean isChocolatey;
       private double price;

1. Write a constructor for this class.

2. Instantiate your favorite candy

3. Finish the Pig constructor.

class Pig {

       private String name;
       private boolean isSheepHerder;

       public Pig(String name, boolean canHerdSheep) {
            // write code here

      public boolean willBecomeBacon() {
                  return false;
            else return true;

4. Instantiate two pigs, “Babe” and “Rasher”.

5. Imagine there is a pig instance called ziggy. Write code that will print “bacon for breakfast” if ziggy is destined to be turned into bacon, or “eggs for breakfast” if he is not.