Spinning Record

We are going to make a virtual record player that spins and plays your song when you click on it.

Start with a new sketch that contains setup() and draw() methods. Ask your teacher if you don't know how to do this.

1. Find an image of a record.

     i) Save the image.
     ii) Drop the image file onto your sketch.
     iii) Load it with code like this...

PImage pictureOfRecord;     //as member variable
size(600,600);     //in setup method
pictureOfRecord= loadImage("record.jpg");     //in setup method
image(pictureOfRecord, xPosition, yPosition);     //in draw method

2. Set the size of your image to match the size of your canvas (after you have loaded it).

pictureOfRecord.resize(height,width);     //in setup method

3. Use this method to rotate your image. Make sure you use the image() command after you call rotateImage().

void rotateImage(PImage image, int amountToRotate) {
     translate(width/2, height/2);
     translate(-image.width/2, -image.height/2);

5. Adjust the speed of the record player. Make the record spin.
     i) Make a variable to keep track of the image angle.
     ii) Increase this variable in the draw method.
     iii) Use this variable when you call the rotateImage() method.

6. Only spin the record when the user clicks the mouse button.

7. Add a song.
//drop the song file onto your sketch

import ddf.minim.*; //at the very top of your sketch
Minim minim; //as a member variable
AudioPlayer song; //as a member variable
minim = new Minim(this); //in the setup method
song = minim.loadFile("awesomeTrack.mp3", 512);//in the setup method

8. Only play the song when the mouse is pressed.


9. Make the record spin as fast as possible

Processing Reference