
1. Have a robot start on the left side of the window near the bottom.

2. Draw a flat-topped house of height 100 with grass after it (see picture).

3. Extract the piece of code that draws the house into a method. Draw 10 houses.

4. Change the method to take (int height) as a parameter. Draw 9 houses of different heights

5. Make the method take a String instead of an int.

        “small”                 60

        “medium”             120

        “large”                 250

6. Make the method take a color as well as a height. The houses are drawn in that color.

[optional] Set the scene to night by setting the background to black

7. Give the houses peaked roofs

8. Extract that roof code into a method “drawPointyRoof” and create a new method: “drawFlatRoof”.

9. Make large houses have flat roofs